1. október 2009

Ærir þýddur - og þó aldrei verið frosinn

Yllis beat saft

Many things grow in the garden ærin. Stikkilsber he has used in jam and marmalades made. Sanguineum and Solbes gel in the autumn. Now grow there also black tulips and other nuances.

Encountered a recipe for svalandi ylli drink and where ærin has field for Snob in wine and reminded, of Roll, the beat saft to a better life in the mail here before. He decided to file down bruggað it for later use in summer when ylli alarm begins to flourish.

Yllis drykkur: Yllis drink:
20 vænir klasar yllisblóm 20 vænir Classes ylli flowers
2 kg sykur 2 kg sugar
2 stk sítróna eða lime 2 pcs lemon or lime
50 g sítrónusýra 50 g citric acid
bensóat benzoate
2 lítrar sjóðandi vatn 2 liter boiling water

Aðferð: Method:
Raspið lemon / lime (or cut in slices) and prssið her juice. Ylli Flowers, sugar, citric acid and sítrónuraspið / slices are placed in a large pot. Put lemon juice and water sjóðani with. Maintained by welding (not boiling) and stir another periodically, until the information is sykurinn eystra. Use bensoatið under. manufacturer instructions. Put a cold place in 2 hours and stir another stroke. Sigtið then bottled and carefully completed. Store in a cool place.

This is the extract that is mixed útí water by taste.